Discover TaxToSell WordPress VAT Plugin:

Automate VAT on your Sales and Invoices

EU VAT ID registration of your company  and EU VAT ID loading and validation of the client

Load your VAT ID into WordPress through our VAT plugin and start to operate with other companies or consumers.

Ask your customer for his VAT ID and charge it into WordPress with our VAT plugin, who will validate the ID introduced with VIES.

Location of the client: either B2B or B2C

In order to assign the corresponding rate to the sale your carrying out, you need to locate your client with a non-contradictory double proof (according to EU regulation). With our VAT plugin you will be able to automatically obtain the location of your client via IP and billing address (and the location of the customer´s card in case one of the first two procedures fail). This data will be stored in order to attend the 10-year register mandate.

Corresponding VAT rate application

Based on customer location and VAT ID, apply the corresponding VAT rate to your client. Our VAT plugin will allow you to apply two rates. “Standard B2C” rate is the rate which normally applies to the sale for B2C transactions: in the majority of cases (10k threshold exceeded) it is the rate of the Member State of consumption. “Zero-rate B2B” is the rate applied to B2B intra-community transactions in EU: 0% VAT.

Automatic Invoice and Excel generation and delivery

Automate your invoice generation with our VAT plugin: a pdf will be created with the main data of the sale, including your company details and the ones of your client (including his VAT number if it is a B2B transaction), and the corresponding VAT rates applied to the sale will be showed. You can also automate the delivery of invoices to the corresponding clients. Furthermore, an xls file, with all your quarterly transactions and corresponding VAT rates, will be automatically created and sent to your accountant, for him to process the OSS and local returns which apply.

Taking care of your management accounts with VAT plugin and personalized consultancy:

we automate VAT on your selling process

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